1. Nitrogen (N)

- Older leaves (and sometimes all leaves) become light green or pale yellow with chlorotic tips.
- Leaves may die under severe nitrogen stress.
- Leaves are narrow, short, erect, and lemon yellowish green.
- The entire field may appear yellowish.
- Yield reduction may occur.
Recommendation for Corrective Measures:
- Timely application (4 times in crop duration) of Urea @ 25 kg per acre at intervals of 15 to 20 days from transplantation to pan0icle initiation stage.
- Nano Urea @ 5ml or Urea @ 10-20 grams per liter of water.
2. Phosphorous (P)

- Plants are stunted with greatly reduced tillering, leaves are narrow, short, very erect, and dark green.
- Stems are thin, spindly, and plant development is retarded.
- The number of leaves, panicles, and grains per panicle may reduce.
- Young leaves appear healthy, but older leaves turn brown and may die.
- Phosphorous deficiency is often associated with other nutrient disorders.
Recommendation for Corrective Measures:
- Apply phosphorous in basal application using DAP or any other complex fertilizers providing 25 kg P content.
- If deficiency is noticed later in the crop stage, spray Pankkh MAP (12:61:00) @ 10 grams in 1 liter of water.
- Nano DAP @ 5ml per liter of water.
3. Potash (K)

- Symptoms first appear on older leaves, changing from yellow to brown along the leaf edge.
- Upper leaves are short, droopy, and dark green.
- Leaf tips and margins may dry up.
- Yellow strips may appear along leaf interveins.
- Grain quality and crop yield may reduce.
Recommendation for Corrective Measures:
- Apply 25 kg MOP as a basal dose and 25 kg MOP before panicle initiation stage as soil application.
- If deficiency is noticed at different crop stages, spray Sanexsol @ 8.0 grams per liter of water.
4. Zinc (Zn)

- Symptoms appear between 2 to 4 weeks after plantation.
- Tillering may decrease, and time to crop maturity may increase.
- Spikelet sterility may increase.
- Mid ribs near the leaf base of younger leaves become chlorotic.
- Plant growth is stunted, and leaf blade size is reduced.
- Rusted (shapeless) spots on leaves may appear, and the entire field may turn brown with increased deficiency.
- Nutrient uptake by plants will reduce.
Recommendation for Corrective Measures:
- Apply Swarnphall soil @ 10 kg per acre after 10 – 15 days, along with Urea.
- If deficiency is noticed at different crop stages, spray Raze Zn @ 2.0 grams or Swarnphall foliar @ 3.0 grams per liter of water.
5. Iron (Fe)

- Deficiency generally appears in dry nurseries and early crop stages.
- Whole leaves become chlorotic and very pale.
- Reduced chlorophyll concentration in leaves and decreased enzyme metabolism activity.
Recommendation for Corrective Measures:
- SpraySpray Raze Fe @ 1.0 grams or Swarnphall foliar @ 3.0 grams or Sanex GR @ 2.0 grams per liter of water.
6. Sulphur (S)

- Leaf canopy appears pale yellow due to yellowing of younger leaves.
- Plant height and tillering are reduced.
- Chlorosis may appear in younger leaves.
- Leaf tips may become necrotic.
- Sulphur-deficient plants are less resistant to adverse conditions.
- In waterlogged conditions, the crop may suffer from sulphide injury.
Recommendation for Corrective Measures:
- In deficient areas, apply sulphur-based complex fertilizers like 20:20:00:13 as a basal application, or apply Fuegrow @ 3 kg per acre along with other fertilizers.
- In case of sulphide injury, provide proper drainage to drain out water and avoid applying sulphur-based fertilizers.
7. Magnesium (Mg)

- Deficient plants are pale-colored with interveinal chlorosis.
- Symptoms first appear on older leaves, later spreading to younger leaves as the deficiency becomes more severe.
- Chlorosis progresses to yellowing and finally necrosis in older leaves.
- The number of spikelets may reduce.
- Grain quality may decrease.
Recommendation for Corrective Measures:
- Apply Magnesium Sulphate (MgSO4) @ 10 kg per acre as a basal dose based on soil test.
- If deficiency is noticed during the crop duration, spray Magnesium Sulphate (MgSO4) @ 5.0 grams or Sanexsol @ 7.5 grams per liter of water.
8. Boron (B)

- Reduced plant height.
- Tips of emerging leaves turn white.
- Plants may fail to produce panicles.
Recommendation for Corrective Measures:
- Apply Boro GR (soil boron) @ 3 to 5 kg per acre as a basal dose along with other fertilizers.
- Spray Boro Q (foliar spray) @ 1.0 to 2.0 grams per liter of water from 30 days to before panicle initiation stage.

9. Manganese (Mn)

- Pale grayish interveinal chlorosis spreads from the tip of the leaf to the leaf base.
- Necrotic brown spots may develop, and the leaf becomes dark brown.
- Newly emerging leaves are short, narrow, and light green.
Recommendation for Corrective Measures:
- Spray Swarnphall foliar @ 3.0 grams per liter of water.
10. Calcium (Ca)

- Symptoms are usually visible only under severe deficiency.
- Tips of younger leaves become white, rolled, and curled.
- Necrotic tissues may develop along the lateral margins of the leaf.
Recommendation for Corrective Measures:
- If severe deficiency is noticed in the crop duration, apply Pankkh Calcium Nitrate @ 25 kg per acre.
- Spray Pankkh (Calcium Nitrate) @ 5.0 grams per liter of water.
11. Silicon (Si)

- Leaves become soft and droopy, reducing photosynthetic activity.
- Brown spots on leaves may appear, leading to smaller grain yield.
- May increase the occurrence of Blast disease or brown spot.
- Deficient plants are susceptible to lodging (falling over).
Recommendation for Corrective Measures:
- Apply silicon-based nutrients as a foliar spray according to the recommended dosage.