Vijayshri Agro Chemicals

Nutrient Deficiency Symptoms in Paddy

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1. Nitrogen (N)



  1. Older leaves (and sometimes all leaves) become light green or pale yellow with chlorotic tips.
  2. Leaves may die under severe nitrogen stress.
  3. Leaves are narrow, short, erect, and lemon yellowish green.
  4. The entire field may appear yellowish.
  5. Yield reduction may occur.

Recommendation for Corrective Measures:

  1. Timely application (4 times in crop duration) of Urea @ 25 kg per acre at intervals of 15 to 20 days from transplantation to pan0icle initiation stage.
  2. Nano Urea @ 5ml or Urea @ 10-20 grams per liter of water.

2. Phosphorous (P)



  1. Plants are stunted with greatly reduced tillering, leaves are narrow, short, very erect, and dark green.
  2. Stems are thin, spindly, and plant development is retarded.
  3. The number of leaves, panicles, and grains per panicle may reduce.
  4. Young leaves appear healthy, but older leaves turn brown and may die.
  5. Phosphorous deficiency is often associated with other nutrient disorders.

Recommendation for Corrective Measures:

  1. Apply phosphorous in basal application using DAP or any other complex fertilizers providing 25 kg P content.
  2. If deficiency is noticed later in the crop stage, spray Pankkh MAP (12:61:00) @ 10 grams in 1 liter of water.
  3. Nano DAP @ 5ml per liter of water.

3. Potash (K)



  1. Symptoms first appear on older leaves, changing from yellow to brown along the leaf edge.
  2. Upper leaves are short, droopy, and dark green.
  3. Leaf tips and margins may dry up.
  4. Yellow strips may appear along leaf interveins.
  5. Grain quality and crop yield may reduce.

Recommendation for Corrective Measures:

  1. Apply 25 kg MOP as a basal dose and 25 kg MOP before panicle initiation stage as soil application.
  2. If deficiency is noticed at different crop stages, spray Sanexsol @ 8.0 grams per liter of water.

4. Zinc (Zn)



  1. Symptoms appear between 2 to 4 weeks after plantation.
  2. Tillering may decrease, and time to crop maturity may increase.
  3. Spikelet sterility may increase.
  4. Mid ribs near the leaf base of younger leaves become chlorotic.
  5. Plant growth is stunted, and leaf blade size is reduced.
  6. Rusted (shapeless) spots on leaves may appear, and the entire field may turn brown with increased deficiency.
  7. Nutrient uptake by plants will reduce.

Recommendation for Corrective Measures:

  1. Apply Swarnphall soil @ 10 kg per acre after 10 – 15 days, along with Urea.
  2. If deficiency is noticed at different crop stages, spray Raze Zn @ 2.0 grams or Swarnphall foliar @ 3.0 grams per liter of water.

5. Iron (Fe)



  1. Deficiency generally appears in dry nurseries and early crop stages.
  2. Whole leaves become chlorotic and very pale.
  3. Reduced chlorophyll concentration in leaves and decreased enzyme metabolism activity.

Recommendation for Corrective Measures:

  1. SpraySpray Raze Fe @ 1.0 grams or Swarnphall foliar @ 3.0 grams or Sanex GR @ 2.0 grams per liter of water.

6. Sulphur (S)



  1. Leaf canopy appears pale yellow due to yellowing of younger leaves.
  2. Plant height and tillering are reduced.
  3. Chlorosis may appear in younger leaves.
  4. Leaf tips may become necrotic.
  5. Sulphur-deficient plants are less resistant to adverse conditions.
  6. In waterlogged conditions, the crop may suffer from sulphide injury.

Recommendation for Corrective Measures:

  1. In deficient areas, apply sulphur-based complex fertilizers like 20:20:00:13 as a basal application, or apply Fuegrow @ 3 kg per acre along with other fertilizers.
  2. In case of sulphide injury, provide proper drainage to drain out water and avoid applying sulphur-based fertilizers.

7. Magnesium (Mg)



  1. Deficient plants are pale-colored with interveinal chlorosis.
  2. Symptoms first appear on older leaves, later spreading to younger leaves as the deficiency becomes more severe.
  3. Chlorosis progresses to yellowing and finally necrosis in older leaves.
  4. The number of spikelets may reduce.
  5. Grain quality may decrease.

Recommendation for Corrective Measures:

  1. Apply Magnesium Sulphate (MgSO4) @ 10 kg per acre as a basal dose based on soil test.
  2. If deficiency is noticed during the crop duration, spray Magnesium Sulphate (MgSO4) @ 5.0 grams or Sanexsol @ 7.5 grams per liter of water.

8. Boron (B)



  1. Reduced plant height.
  2. Tips of emerging leaves turn white.
  3. Plants may fail to produce panicles.

Recommendation for Corrective Measures:

  1. Apply Boro GR (soil boron) @ 3 to 5 kg per acre as a basal dose along with other fertilizers.
  2. Spray Boro Q (foliar spray) @ 1.0 to 2.0 grams per liter of water from 30 days to before panicle initiation stage.

9. Manganese (Mn)



  1. Pale grayish interveinal chlorosis spreads from the tip of the leaf to the leaf base.
  2. Necrotic brown spots may develop, and the leaf becomes dark brown.
  3. Newly emerging leaves are short, narrow, and light green.

Recommendation for Corrective Measures:

  1. Spray Swarnphall foliar @ 3.0 grams per liter of water.

10. Calcium (Ca)



  1. Symptoms are usually visible only under severe deficiency.
  2. Tips of younger leaves become white, rolled, and curled.
  3. Necrotic tissues may develop along the lateral margins of the leaf.

Recommendation for Corrective Measures:

  1. If severe deficiency is noticed in the crop duration, apply Pankkh Calcium Nitrate @ 25 kg per acre.
  2. Spray Pankkh (Calcium Nitrate) @ 5.0 grams per liter of water.

11. Silicon (Si)



  1. Leaves become soft and droopy, reducing photosynthetic activity.
  2. Brown spots on leaves may appear, leading to smaller grain yield.
  3. May increase the occurrence of Blast disease or brown spot.
  4. Deficient plants are susceptible to lodging (falling over).

Recommendation for Corrective Measures:

  1. Apply silicon-based nutrients as a foliar spray according to the recommended dosage.
By applying the recommended corrective measures at the appropriate stages of the crop's growth, you can effectively manage nutrient deficiencies and optimize yield quality and quantity in paddy cultivation.

Vijayshri Agro Chemicals Package of Practices (Nutrition)

How to Achieve the Best Yield Under Semi-Organic Method:

  • Apply and incorporate 10 MT of FYM or compost per acre one month before plantation.
  • Grow green manuring crops such as Sun Hemp, Dhaincha, and pulses like Green Gram, and incorporate them into the soil at the flowering stage.
iconApplication of Secondary & Micro Nutrients:

Nursery Stage:

  • Basal dose: Apply 3 kg of SSP or 2 kg of any other complex fertilizer per bag of paddy seed (sufficient for raising nursery for one acre).
  • 10 days after sowing: Apply 1 kg Swarnphall Nursery along with 2.0 kg Urea or 2 kg of any other complex fertilizers for healthy growth.

Main Field:

  • Apply Swarnaphall SA @ 10 kg per acre along with Urea 15 to 20 days after transplantation.
iconApplication of Chemical Fertilizers:


Apply 40 to 48 kg of Nitrogen in four equal split doses.

  1. First dose: Apply along with phosphatic fertilizers during the last puddling.
  2. Second dose: Apply 15 to 20 days after transplantation.
  3. Third dose: Apply 40 to 45 days after transplantation.
  4. Fourth dose: Apply before panicle initiation (60 to 65 days after transplantation) along with potassic fertilizers.


  • Apply 24 kg of phosphorus per acre at the last puddling stage in the form of SSP or any other complex fertilizers.
  • If green manure crops are grown, apply 150 kg of SSP when incorporating the green manure crop into the soil.


Apply 16 to 20 kg of potash in two equal split doses in the form of MOP.

  1. First dose: Apply along with phosphatic fertilizers as a basal dose.
  2. Second dose: Apply 60 to 65 days after transplantation (at panicle initiation stage) along with nitrogenous fertilizers.
iconNutrition Spray Package per acer :

1st Spray (15 to 20 days after transplantation):

  • Swarnphall Foliar Spray: 300 g
  • Vijyam+: 75 ml
  • Radon: 300 ml
  • Mix in 100 liters of water and spray.

2nd Spray (35 to 40 days after transplantation):

  • Sanex GR Foliar Spray: 150 g
  • Radon: 300 ml
  • Mix in 100 liters of water and spray.

3rd Spray (55 to 60 days after transplantation):

  • Swarnphall Foliar: 500 g
  • Vijyam+: 100 ml
  • Sanexsol: 550 g
  • Mix in 120 liters of water and spray.

Note:Agrochemicals can be added to the spray mixture as per recommendations and the specific needs of the crop at different stages of growth.

Key Considerations for Optimal Yield:

Water Management: Maintain proper irrigation practices to contain consistent moisture levels, especially during critical stages of growth from panicle initiation stage to grain maturity stage. Avoid waterlogging

Weed Control:: Practice effective weed control through manual weeding or by mechanical weeding.

By following these steps and integrating Semi organic practices with a balanced fertilizer schedule and micronutrient sprays, you can achieve high-quality yields in paddy crops while maintaining soil health and sustainability.