Vijayshri Agro Chemicals

Fungicides / Pesticides

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RADON is a Contact Fungicide derived from neem by selective extraction process with the active ingredient Azadirachtin. RADON is a totally water soluble concentrate of Azadirachtin-A available in 300 ppm stabilized with novel solvents/emulsifiers. This will readily disperse into fine micro emulsion on spray for easy absorption in the plant system. Radon spray immediately stops the damages from various pests& insects on plants. It is an anti feedent, repellent & possesses ovicidal actions i.e., Stops the growth of eggs, pupae and larvae.


Crops Dosage/HA Formulation (Ltr) Dilution in water (Ltr) Waiting period between last spray to harvest (in days)
Cotton 2.5 - 5.0 500 - 1000 5
Rice 2.00 - 5.0 500 5